Work Package 2:
The NIHR HIC TDA database will be a secure research database, containing information, collated from hospital records, about the transfusions which patients have received and the antibodies they have developed.
The database will allow us to understand the risk that a patient develops antibodies for different mismatches of blood groups. We need to know this to work out the best way to match patients to donors. It will be more important to match a blood group the greater the risk that an incompatibility generates an antibody in the patient.
Data for the database will be gathered through collaboration with the NIHR Health Informatics Collaborative (HIC) and NHS Trusts. The database has its own separate theme within the HIC known as the Transfusion Dependent Anaemia (TDA) theme. We will seek approval for the creation of the database from an ethics committee and collate anonymous data from hospitals with major transfusion treatment programmes.
The database will be a crucial component to the development of the matching algorithm